Our services
  • Trucking

    Carrousel to and from the ports of Moin and Limon

  • Inspection

    Inspection of containers alongside the ship
    Inspection of containers upon entering and leaving our terminal and issuance of Equipment Interchange Receipts (“ EIRs”)

  • Estimates

    Structure and refrigeration estimates per our customers’ standards and requirements.

  • Repairs

    Repairs of refrigerated and dry containers per standards and parameters of customers.

  • Pretrip and setting

    Pretrip Inspections and setting
    of refrigeration units

  • Rentals

    Rental and repairs of chasis, Gensets and Power Packs

  • Trucking

    Trucking to farms
    Trucking of dry containers

  • Washing

    Washing of containers

  • Connections and monitoring

    Connections and monitoring of loaded refrigerated containers for subsequent carrousel to the port.


capable of sending “EDI FILES” , handheld smartphones to facilitate and speed up estimating time and transmission of data, capable of including photographs to estimates


we use state-of-the-art software for control and management of containers: JOHN EVANS DEPOT SYSTEM.

Our Team

Top qualified personnel, including IICL qualified-technicians, managers with great qualifications and proven expertise and experience.


We import into our Zona Franca most of our parts, spares and material and permanently maintain inventories that guaranty the quality and efficiency of our repairs.

lats Twetts